后来大家慢慢地向我解释事情经过。经过这个小插曲后,我感觉焕然一新 ––––我不知该如何用言语形容这感觉,好像是我胸前的巨石被移除了,我终于可以自由呼吸了。上帝真的在我生命中做了伟大奇妙的工作,在这次特会期间赶出了我生命里面的魔鬼。在未信基督教以前,我曾和父亲去过各式教会,比如耶和华见证人、摩门教和天主教。我想是这些经历给魔鬼开了门,进入我的生命操控我。过去很多东西会控制我,让我每天都陷入无限的抑郁和魔鬼的陷阱中。但在神行奇妙的工作之后,我感觉到了重生,无比地幸福喜乐。愿所有荣耀归于上帝。阿门!
During the recent October retreat, I was touched by the Holy Spirit and truly experienced God’s mighty power. I do not remember anything that happened at that time, so most of my testimony is based on what others told me afterwards. On Sunday night, which was our last night at the retreat, when Pastor Ellen was praying for all of us teenagers, I fell down on the floor and started crying. It was also from this point on that I do not have any memory of what happened. According to my mom and other brothers and sisters, I repeatedly moaned “Don’t hit me”, and “I didn’t do anything wrong” in Szechuanese. Then I started scratching a pillar inside the meeting place and banged my head against it. My actions drew the attention of others. They started pulling me away from the pillar and prayed in tongues.
I screamed sentences such as “Let me die”, and “You’re lying, you’ve been lying” in a high-pitched hoarse voice that does not belong to me at all. I even threw out threats like “I’m going to kill you all”. And during this whole time, my eyes were closed and I did not have any feeling of what I was doing. To me it was like going through a high-quality sleep that involved no dreams and no distractions. Basically, I had a good rest. However, in reality, I was…well, having an episode which I think gave other people a very hard time. I tried to choke myself with the string on the name tag. Elder Shimei, Minister Ma and Sister Qiming had to pull me to another room (while I was struggling to get away from them) and prayed for me there. Some people also told me that I almost started hitting them, which…I’m really sorry about. After another while of screaming and crying, I finally cooled down and fell asleep. When I woke up, I freaked out because I had no idea what was happening, there were people surrounding me and praying in a whole other room different than where I was before I fell down, some of my friends were peeking in from outside the door. And I did not have my glasses on—I was really confused. It was like, “Wow, and what did you guys do that I missed when I was having a nice sleep?”
It was later that everyone explained to me what happened. After this little event, I feel a lot better—I don’t know how to describe it, it’s like this huge stone in my chest has been removed and I can finally breathe. God really did great work inside me and cleared out the devil inside me in this retreat. Before, I was not religious and went to a variation of churches with my father, such as the Jehovah’s witnesses, the Mormons, and the Catholics. I think this is what opened the path so that the devil got control of me. But after God’s mighty work, I feel renewed and have a happier life than before, when a lot of things from the past always grabbed onto me and made me sink deeper into infinite depression and the trap of the devil everyday. May all glories be to God. Amen!