教会介绍 About the Church
New York Banner of Christ 411 Ministry Intl. was established on June 11, 2011. Pastor Ellen Dong responded to God’s commission in 2004: “The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” (Matthew 3:10). God desires to build a church in New York that will become David’s tabernacle of worship, a beacon of watchmen and warriors, a foundry of healing and evangelism, a base for equipping and sending missionaries, and ultimately a church that prepares herself as a holy bride dedicated to Christ. Under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we have steadily established various branches around the world (Houston 411 Church was established in August 2014, Europe 411 Church was established in November 2019, North Carolina 411 Church was established in October 2022) for the purpose of local evangelism and keeping watch in this generation, as laborers plowing the land to welcome the return of Christ.
董牧师介绍 About Pastor Dong
董牧师出生于中国,“北京大学”历史学学士。赴美后经历神大能的工作,蒙神选召,获彼得魏格纳领袖学院“教牧学”硕士和博士学位。从2006年开始致力于世界各地的宣教和教导工作,在代祷、先知预言、属灵争战、医治、先知书等方面的教导常带下圣灵同在、悔改和更新。 2011年在纽约成立“基督旌旗411教会和事工”, 培养和训练末世收割工人。2014年在圣灵带领下, 又建立了德州休斯顿基督旌旗411教会, 2019年11月成立欧洲团契,2022年10月成立北卡教会,为当地在这时代的福音和守望工作预备,为迎接基督再来耕耘.
Pastor Ellen Dong was born in China and graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in History from Peking University. After coming to the United States, she experienced God’s powerful work and was chosen and commissioned by Him. She received both Masters and Doctorate degrees in Pastoral Studies from the Peter Wagner Leadership Institute. Since 2006, she has been committed to global missionary work and teaching on intercession, prophecy, spiritual warfare, healing, and the Prophetic books of the Bible, frequently bringing down the presence of the Holy Spirit, repentance, and renewal. In 2011, New York Banner of Christ 411 Ministry Intl. was established to cultivate and equip end-time harvest workers. Under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, the Houston branch of Banner of Christ 411 Ministry was established in 2014, the Europe branch was established in November 2019, and the North Carolina branch was established in October 2022, all for the purpose of local evangelism and keeping watch in this generation, as laborers plowing the land to welcome the return of Christ.
Mission & Vision
马太福音 28:18-20
耶稣进前来,对他们说:天上地下所有的权柄都赐 给我了。所以,你们要去,使万民作我的门徒,奉父、子、圣灵的名给他们施洗 ( 或作:给他们施洗,归於父、子、圣灵的名)。